Ghiffary Hilmawan
3 min readAug 31, 2018


Photo by Karla Car on Unsplash

The Twenties VS The Quarter-Life Crisis: How Can The Twenties Win It?

“Where am I going? What is my next move? I feel like all the things aren’t much better. There are no prospects on the horizon. Everything seems like an impossible thing to find. The Future just looks so boring and hard. I feel so anxious and uncertain about my future.”

Approximately, those were Dana Perino felt when she was 24, and had been trapped on her Quarter-Life Crisis as she wrote on “What’s a Quarter-Life Crisis?”. She wrote everything he though, escaping, struggling, and finding the way out of the quarter-life crisis that she was facing in a few short years.
Moreover, As a Sarah Young’s Journal, “More Than Half of Millenials going through ‘Quarter-Life Crisis’ : Financial difficulties, employment and rocky relationships are all to blame” ( , according to a new study that six in 10 millenials claim to be going through a “Quarter-Life” crisis.

Then, what is Quarter-Life Crisis actually?

Dr. Oliver Robinson, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Greenwich, he told that a quarter-life crisis is a recognized phenomenon that is important turning point in life and a stimulus for growth, while also being a time of heightened negative feeling, inner conflict and confusion. Meanwhile, the most often cited cause of a quarter-life crisis is the financial difficulty.

If The Quarter-Life crisis was the enemy, how could The Twenties win it?

Dana Perino has her own way to avoid the Quarter-Life Crisis that brought in three pieces of advice. First way is ‘Get out of town’. QLC always make somebody feeling trapped, so the best ways to set them free is to move. That might mean going somewhere for a better job, or it might mean take a time for travelling whenever you get the chance. Moving is the best way to take yourself get out from the place that isn’t working for you and getting some new experiences.

The second way is ‘know yourself then set a goal’. Some people need to make a realistic assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. Just figure it out then write down and you have a list of your weaknesses and strengths. It can be important and useful to take a decision about the next steps that you’ll take as well as your goal.

The final piece of her advice is ‘Meet the universe halfway’. When the crisis is attacking you, you don’t really know where your life is going to take you. You almost certainly won’t end up where you plan to be. But that’s okay, because when you set goals and work toward them, positive things happen. You gain skills and your skills will create opportunities, than never would do anything.

Worried that you’re headed for a breakdown on your Quarter-Life Crisis?

Darain Faraz, careers expert at LinkedIn, has shared his top tips for dealing with Quarter-Life Crisis. as I take from

  • Stop Comparing yourself to others
    Remember that everyone is at a different stage of their journey, so don’t ever to try comparing yourself to others.
  • Take a step back and identify the root cause
    Take a step back and write down what is making you most nervous, make a lists of it. This will allow you to address the problem and make you stand in a good stead to talk to others.
  • Be kind to yourself
    Going through against a Quarter-Life Crisis can be a difficult process. Remind yourself that it’s a positive experience that will make you happier in the long run.
  • Talk to others
    Talking to others about certain issues is not only helping you to be more rational but also giving you a solution.
  • Making and doing a research
    Once you have discussed your situation with your relevant people, it’s important to go away and research your options and most importantly your passions.

Nothing happens if you’re sitting on a couch waiting for your life to begin. As you can see from the research, the crisis doesn’t last forever. Take yourself in the frontline, and get ready to winning the game with the hands down!


Dana Perino, “What’s A Quarter-Life Crisis?” . Prager University

First Direct. “How to Turn Your Quarter-Life Crisis into Quarter-Life Catalyst”. First Direct Bank.

